Mabry loved playing with one of my students kittens...they are so cute! Andy was shocked that we did not come home with one. I figured new baby and kitten in the same month might be a little much :-)
Thank you Jesus! I am so grateful for the love of our Saviour! I am thankful that Jesus loves me, forgives me and still loves me time and time again. I pray that you would all seek out His love. We truly have nothing without Him. Love you all! Enjoy the following picture posts...tried to catch up on a lot of time that has passed! :-) L.A.
Mabry would NOT sit with the Easter bunny - or get any closer than this! Drew family picture Don't peek! Cousin love! More cousin love!
Group picture...thank you Duggars for hosting this fun hunt and picnic! silly daddy family pic check out my goodies...I'm getting good at this! Final hunt...this is getting serious
is this thing for real?!? :-) 36 week belly Love you Papaw Doug! Love you Grandma Janet! Just for fun...egg hunt at home. Grandma Janet even put "pennies" (money) in the eggs! Helping daddy water the garden!
Leaving school with Grandma Janet and Papaw Doug School Buddies Easter Egg hunt at school Loving that juice box! Loving her time with Grandma Janet