Sunday, September 14, 2008

Another Weekend Gone...

Wow, time truly flies by! How can the weekend already be over? We had a fun one, even though it was fast. Friday night we went to Red Elephant with the Pope family (Jill, Bert, Kent, Mama K, Pop and Aunt Chris) yep, the whole family. Sat. morning I got some 1 on 1 time with Mabes while daddy was at church, then I had some mommy time and enjoyed some "sista"ship with some girlfriends at a baby shower while daddy had 1 on 1 time with Mabry, then we had a laid back family afternoon with football, car washing and an errand or 2. Today was again laid back after a great morning at church. Andy and I went to our Sunday School classes for the first time and then went to the worship service as family. Mabry loved the music...clapping and waving her hands! (Then she went back to the nursery). After church we had lunch with dad and Gaye and then Mabry headed to g-mommies for a g-mommy fix. Andy mowed the lawn, I read and sewed, it was so nice. Finished off with a yummy dinner at my moms. I am feeling rested for the week to come.

:-) L.A.

Hopefully I will have pictures soon from OBLO's wedding. I forgot to get the camera from moms tonight.

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