We went to Ft. Walton beach this weekend (thanks gg) as our last family getaway before baby sister arrives. We rested a lot, I watched Mabry and Andy play in the "sand box" and the pool, and we even had a fun dinner at Joes Crab Shack. It was nice to get away and not feel like I had to get anything "done." Andy was sick all last week so it was good for him to spend some time with his girls. Since he was sick all last week the big girl room has kind of been put on hold. Kind of...we moved Mabry's furniture into her new room and just have to finish painting the other furniture for baby sister's room. Mabry did want to sleep in her big girl room tonight. I thought I would be ready, but I was actually very sad to put her to sleep in that big bed...what happened to my baby???!!! She hasn't made a peep since we put her down, so I am assuming she is cozy. The room is definitely lacking character right now. It has the precious new quilt from g-mommy, but other than that- bare walls. It will come together. Back to the beach...Mabry loved every minute of it. I think we were the FIRST people on the beach Sat. morning, I guess that happens when you are up at 5:30 beach time! We didn't actually go out until around 8:00, but still it was nice and quiet, and a bit chilly for mommy! We played until Mabry was nice and wet, then made a quick trip to Target to get a suit (I forgot that she didn't have one until I started packing). Then were back on the beach in no time, trying to enjoy the weather before it actually rained. After lots of playtime, Mabry took a 3 hour nap - her longest weekend nap ever!!! Today we did pretty much the same thing, except Andy and Mabry braved the pool before we cleaned up and headed back to town. So nice to spend time with my Andy and Mabry. Oh and I haven't had a DQ blizzard in a LONG time - chocolate one with Reeses cups-I already want another one, definitely the highlight on the way home!
:-) L.A.
Thanks for sharing your weekend pictures, we wish we were there hanging out!! I hope you ate lots of crab for me at Joes!! Can't wait to see how Mabry's new big girl room will come together...looks like her bed is big enough for her to cuddle with us...we know how her and Levi love to cuddle! :)
Mabry is precious! What a special weekend to share, just the three of you. And by the looks of it, I think Alphabet and Mabs are a little tougher than you when it comes to the cool weather! :)
How much fun! I love the one of Mabry looking at the waves! It looks like a professional picture...I'm glad you three had a relaxing weekend!
Adorable! Great family pics on the earlier post, and I'm so glad you had a fun time at the beach! What a beautiful family!
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