Friday, March 12, 2010

Getting Motivated

So a friend told me a long time ago how you can get your blog printed. So I am going to TRY and do a monthly (at least) post what happened during that month. I am going to start with January 2010 and go from there. I think this would be awesome if I actually do it. Unfortunately I have a horrible memory, so this gets me excited that I will have something to look back on and I won't have to print out tons and tons of pictures!

It would be a totally boring post if I left it at that, so I will tell you some tid bits...

my cousin Madeleine has been staying with us since Wednesday, I love quality time with my precious cousin (so does Mabry!)

all my cousins ROCK!

Briley drank out of a sippy cup today, we are down to nursing 3 times a day. We will try to go to 2 times a day (morning and night) by the end of the month.

i ate a snickers bar for snack today

Mabry is taking a nap right now.

Briley loves to eat "people" food - she snagged Lilly's quesdilla today.

I am looking forward to sewing this weekend.

Andy had a GREAT time in Colorado! I am so glad he had the opportunity to go out there. I missed him and I am so glad he is home!

Mabry is now up and Briley is playing peek-a-boo.

must go...


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