Saturday, September 12, 2009


so our computer - CRASHED! so until Andy gets home from work I have no access to e-mail, fb, etc. whats a girl to do? actually it is fine, if you know me, I really don't like to be on the computer. i have updated my etsy, but the pictures are blurry b/c i had to copy them from the blog. all our pictures may or may not be retrieved from the crashed computer :-( I am going to take some more pictures but I'm not sure how long it will take me to upload them. so check out my etsy tab to the left and let me know what you think. By their descriptions #1 you can tell that I am not in marketing and #2 you can tell that I am not in marketing :-)
So my girls are edible! We are having so much fun being at home together. Last week I started to go to a Bible study on Tuesday morning and a pilates/yoga class on Thursday mornings. Both being at my church so the girls play in the nursery with some of their church friends! I loved both, loved that I got some "me" time and that the girls had some time to play with friends. Mabry got sick Thursday night, but was better by last night...hopefully it was just a fluke thing. She was back to her busy sassy self today! We had a great LONG day...that's what happens when we are all up by 6am. I got to go to some garage/Estate sales this morning, one of my fun hobbies, then we all played outside and went on a walk. I have been wanting to go to 5 guys burgers and fries - so we headed there for a healthy :-) lunch and then came home and Mabry and I took a nap! (Briley doesn't really sleep much during the day). Is anyone still reading - I am rambling. Anyway, good rest of the day, looking forward to starting a Marriage Enrichment Sunday school class tomorrow morning at church, not sure what to expect, but I'm sure it will be great. I love our church so much. Our Pastor preaches The Word and the church provides so much opportunity for members to grow and be stretched in their faith. Off to take my pictures and then go to bed! I did start to read Redeeming Love again (by Francine Rivers) so I might have to read a couple chapters before shut eye. If you haven't read it, it is so good!
:-) L.A.


Jill said...

#1 You are adorable #2 your girld are adorable #3 I LOVE your etsy!! Let's work on Lil' Tings this week :) P.S. Have fun at marraige enrichment- you and Andy need it :)

Ashley said...

I love to hear your ramblings! Glad Mabry is okay, we don't like to see her not be her busy body self! I love 5 guys!! Can't wait to see all your goodies on Etsy, we have another friend due in January with a baby girl, so I'll be getting with you! Enjoy Redeeming Love, again...loved that book! I hope you are able to retrieve your pics, sorry to hear about your computer...grrrr!

Love you!

Lucy Clay McGehee said...

Love Fran Rivers! I have been thinking of reading it again. So many other books to get thru first! It is hard when you fall asleep after the first two pages! Love ya! I will post pics of the dress soon! She was a hit at Atlanta Bread yesterday!