January, already a new year....and halfway through the month! It has been a big month for Miss Briley. So far she has learned how to say mama, wave bye bye, clap, and has blown a kiss. She lives on my hip most of the day. She loves playing with her toys but it usually lasts about 20 minutes before she is ready to snuggle again. She still does not nap, well not really. An hour today, 38 minutes yesterday....not much napping for an 8 month old! I guess her big sister teaches her that! Mabry is getting too big, it is so crazy to me that she will be 3 in a month. Some of my favorite things to do with her these days is to watch her ride her scooter and try to keep up with her, play candyland, color on her "weasal" easel, watch her play with her sister.... stinkin cute girlies! I love love love being able to stay home with them, it is such a blessing! THANK YOU HUBBY!!! I'll post some pictures from December, but way too many pictures between now and my last post. Most of them are facebook albums if you want to check out more photos.
I really want to post more often so I will remember what we have been up to. A friend of mine said she found a website that will print off your blog...I need to do that for my children's sake. I have the worst memory and I'm afraid I will have a hard time telling them about their childhood. Yikes! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and is enjoying the start of 2010!
:-) L.A.
Yay for updating your blog!! I know your girlies keep you busy but I do love seeing your updates! I am physical pain right now b/c I'm SO sad that Mabes and Bri are SO SO SO big!!! We need to get a date figured out that we can come visit...and SOON!!! I love you all very much and please show your girls our picture so that they remember who we are! :) xoxo
Your girls are so gorgeous! I am glad you finally got the chance to post. Hopefully we will see more =)
Enjoyed the pictures! The girls are beautiful. I love the one with Mabry and the cat - ha! Reminds me of Libby and her not-so-gentle ways. Hope you're doing well!
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