On our recent vacation Andy lost his wedding ring. I was hopeful that possibly it really didn't fall in the sand, but in a friends bag. Ok so pretty unrealistic! Anyway we left Hilton Head minus one wedding band. When Andy and I bought our bands I thought we had orderd them through a website that Mitch and Leah had bought/found theirs. So I called Leah (after going to a local jeweler and founding out how much the same ring he had cost...wow!) and I was hoping she would remember the website so I could start my hunt for Andys new band. Now the story gets so sweet...Leah said "L.A. I still have Mitch's wedding band, do you want it?" As I stood there on the other end of the phone I was silent. I was thinking...Bubby's wedding band? Leah said she would love it if we would want it. So she sent it to me and I decided I would suprise Andy and let him decide if he was ok wearing it.
When it arrived in the mail a few days later I kept it in my pocket the whole day (in the jewelry box) all excited like I was about to propose. I was so excited Andy barely got a foot in the door after work and I said "I have a suprise, hold out your hand." So I tried the ring on Andy and it fit PERFECTLY!!! Andy said "What is this?" So I got to cry (just a little) :-) and tell him the story. He was silent and just looked at it. I told him to think about it and let me know if he would want to wear it. I think it was the next day we were in the kitchen and he told me he would be honored to wear bubby's ring. I really think I stared at his hand for a couple days! I loved the note Leah sent...it said Mitch was so excited when he learned that Andy was planning on asking me to marry him and she knows that Mitch would be proud for Andy to wear the ring in honor of our love for each other.
That is such a special story! It is as if Andy was meant to lose his ring so that he could wear Mitch's!
I love it!! A story so worthy of the blog. Sweet Leah... how kind and unselfish of her. And I can't imageine how much that means to you and Andy!! Tell him not to lose this one!
What a story! Thanks for making me cry today:)
LA and Andy...what a great story! I too cried a bit this morning after reading that entry. Just another way to know that your big brother is watching out for your family. Mabry will love to hear this story some day. Like Jill said, he was meant to lose the band so he could where Mitch's! It will be a constant reminder to Andy of how Andy needs to take care of Mitch's little sister! ha! We love you three!
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